Making the world A better place

We’ve been a nearly strategic thought leader for five we are bring unrivaled decades incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim.


Making the world A better place

We’ve been a nearly strategic thought leader for five we are bring unrivaled decades incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim


Empowering Muslim Youth Entrepreneurs for Global Impact

The goal is to empower dynamic young Business leaders from the Islamic world by enabling their participation in the NextGen Business Nexus in Pakistan. This event aims to cultivate a collaborative environment where emerging business leaders can connect, share insights, and contribute to the global business landscape.


Enhance our organizational understanding of the regional business landscape,

Establish meaningful connections with key stakeholders

Explore potential opportunities for collaboration

Geographical Scope

The network's activities are centred within the Islamic world's geography, emphasising prominent Islamic nations including Pakistan,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Qatar, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Bangladesh, Nigeria, among others.


The Message

Establishing a robust economic network of young business professionals throughout the Islamic world, centred on advancing the economic sphere for the younger generation.

Our Mission

To economically empower Muslim youth and augment their active engagement within the community.


A proficient network of young Muslim business professionals, dedicated to enhancing the performance and growth of their enterprises, fostering collaborations among themselves, and aiding in the economic empowerment of Palestinian youth.

You want to join Us


Benefits for Conference Participants:

Attendees of the conference will reap a multitude of advantages, tailored to their specific business pursuits and interests. Key benefits include:

Owners of substantial production projects will discover new market opportunities.

Acquiring knowledge about the latest global economic and commercial technologies

Gaining insights into recent trends in the economy and markets.

Accessing valuable information from participant databases.

Enhancing the volume of trade exchange and unlocking new market avenues for participants from member states.


Years Of Experiences

Who can participate


Expected Industries


Experience & our Professionals Team

أحمد موسى
مسؤول الدعم والمبادرات المجتمعية
راتب القديسي
رئيس دائرة العلاقات
أمير طلحة يمان
عضو مجلس الإدارة
أوزير خان
مسؤول التنظيم والتنسيق مع الأعضاء

What our clients say?

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Claire Divas


simply dummy text of the print ing iandtypesetting indust Lorem Ipsum has been the industry,s standard dummy text ever since the 1500 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum.

Makhaia Antitni

Assistant Manager

simply dummy text of the print ing iandtypesetting indust Lorem Ipsum has been the industry,s standard dummy text ever since the 1500 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry Lorem Ipsum.

Rodney J. Sabo
